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Brahmanical caves

Brahmanical caves locally known as Pandavleni

The temples are located adjacent to each other and dedicated to Shiva. One is known as Ukkadeshwar temple while another as Mahadeo temple. Mahadev temple consists of a garbhagriha, antarala, sabhamandapa and a portico supported by six pillars decorated with the dwarf figures. The sabhamandapa is supported by four pillars and pilasters. On the ceiling of the portico is a very beautiful representation of Krishna accompanied with two gopies and two attendants. The exterior of the temple is profusely sculptured. Ukkadeshwar temple consists of garbhagriha, antarala and a big mandapa. The gate of mandapa is small and devoid of any decorative aliments. The exterior of mandapa starkly plain made of dressed stone.