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The old temple of Siddeshwar

The old temple of Siddeshwar

The temple is known as Siddeshwar temple but shrine is missing. It is very difficult to make out the plan of the original temple from the little remains present now. Its ceilings are sculptured with the image of Krishna and the Gopies. It has three large inscription slabs embedded into the inner wall of the hall. The inscription records the foundation of a hall of charity for travelers and the learned and indigent and the erection of a temple of Shiva under the name of Siddhesanath or Siddhesvara with a tank or well attached to it by a prince Govind or Govindaraja and his wife. The second part of the inscription records various donations in favour of the temple and the Charitable institute made both by Govinda himself and by his Sovereign lord, the Mahamandalanatha, the illustrious King of Seuna (Yadava). The grant was made on the occasion of a solar eclipse on 21st July 1069 AD.