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Mudhai Devi Temple

Mudhai Devi Temple

The temple locally known as Mudhai temple was originally dedicated to Surya whose image is seen in the back niche of the temple. The main shrine has been built on the star-shaped plan of twenty-eight points. The garbhagriha, mandapa and mukhamandapa are the main elements on plan. The central ceiling and that of the porch are square in plain and rise as hollow truncated pyramids, the sides being decorated with a series of horizontal concave mouldings. From the top hang five rosette pendants. The antechamber is similar except that it has but one central rosette. The shrine ceiling is circular in plan, rising in diminishing circles of plain moundings. Among the images of gods and goddesses can be seen that of Ganpati, Mahakali, Surya, Gajalaxmi and Siva-Parvati. The temple is datable to 13th century AD.