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Archaeological site and remains

Archaeological site and remains comprised in Survey plot No. 185

Bhokardan (ancient Bhogavardhana) was a prosperous town on the ancient trade route linking Ujjain with Paithan (Pratishthans) during Satavahana - Kshatrapa period. The excavations at Bhokardan were carried out by S.B. Deo of Nagpur University in 1970-71, divided ancient deposit in Period I and Period II. Period Ia is designated as Early / Pre Satavahana (2nd -3rd CBC) and notable find from this phase was punch marked coins. Period Ib was labeled as Satavahan- Kshtrapa (1st CBC 2nd -3rd CAD). It attained prosperity with brick built houses on pebble foundations and tiled roofs. There were coins of Nahapana and Satakarni I &II, Gautamiputra Satakarni, black and red ware, Red Polished Ware, megaron ware amphorae, bullae, and rotary querns and an ornamented ivory mirror handle depicting undraped female figure and two female attendants are main finds.