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The Temple of Changdev

The Temple of Changdev

The temple is named after a saint namely Changdev of 13th century, (contemporary to the saint Dnyaneswar) who is believed to have resided here. The temple belonging to 12thcentury A.D. is in nagara style and stand on low platform which is almost of cruciform in shape. The present temple is believed to have been reconstructed by Ahilyabai Holkar in 1766-1795 A.D. The temple consists of a garbhagriha, antarala, and mandapa. The garbhagriha is rectangular in shape built with plain rectangular stone block. The ceiling of sanctum is domical in shape which is a later addition during Maratha period (17th century AD). The shrine consisting image of sage Changdev of recent origin. The antaralais square in shape. The mandapa is open to sky as roof is completely missing. It has entrance on all the three sides. The pillars of mandapa are missing as evident by existing bases. The original form of shikhara is lost now later brick work forms the present superstructure over the sanctum. The exterior wall of garbhagriha and antarala are ornamented with geometrical designs and richly adorned with sculptures of gods, goddesses, sages and damsels. During the course of clearance around the temple various Images Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Varuna, nymphs, ascetics, other architectural members etc. were found which once adorned walls of the temple.